

So while I have been MIA a lot of things have been going down, so ya know how i said i missed out on tickets for the brisbane concert? Well my mum came into my room like an hour after the brisbane tickets were sold and said that I'm going to be flying down to Sydney to see my boys perform! I was literally over the moon and crying tears of joy when this happened. Then my dad tells me that my aunty is like a boss of a security company that was also security for when the boys came down under this year so she might be able to get me some special things for when the boys come back here ;). And then I got told a week later that my uncle is now going to work for her so sjdfhkshfsjkf i have 2 chances to get backstage. Oh and I know a girl personally (let's call her A) and she went to Liam's primary school and she just jhsfsbdfjsdf i can't..


One Direction Tickets Brisbane 2012 Australia

So I'm going to sit here crying my eyes out since I didn't get the tickets to one direction. They freaking sold out in less than 3 minutes and I had everything ready but then my laptop completely shut down and now I am sitting here thinking about how awesome it would be if I could go to One Direction's Concert.
My friend is literally balling her eyes out and she won't even talk to me because of this. She even tried to get one direction tickets for her birthday and her parents lined up for the tickets at ticketek but they sold out and she can't even speak to anyone because she's that devastated.
Hopefully I'll win the tickets online, I'm just praying to god that i can win them on seafm. Otherwise I'll just go sleep forever. Plus my other friend who is REALLY dedicated to One Direction that she practically knows everything about them and she couldn't get the tickets, she also started crying.
Most of the girls that are going to One Direction's concert are mostly girls who are inlove with their looks and not their personality and their voices!
Life is so unfair, trust me I'm not that obsessed with One Direction or anything but I fell inlove with each of their voices and their personalities, niall is hilarious & cute, zayn is a charmer ;) , harry is a curly headed adorable guy, liam is absolutely cute and louis is just adorable & funny!
So while the One Direction concert for Brisbane goes off I'll sit in my room and watch countless number of videos of them and pretend I'm at their concert.
Yay life. Whoever would like to join in how miserable I am...
Twitter - lolwutunicorn hehe




I've been busy lately and plus it's the last week of school and i have a lot of exams and assignments dued in a short amound of time, so sorry for the lack of posts and videos on my YouTube account
I've been spending time with my cousins.

<----- Tenika

But here are some photos of myself that I haven't uploaded onto my facebook.

I dont really like this one but oh well...
Being k00l like that and making weird face

Look at my collar bone, wow
Will upload another youtube video and there shall be a giveaway soon on my youtube account YAYAYAY go checkout my facebook at Ebony Thompson

Everyone loves a girl who pouts ridiculously. Damn straight son.


YouTube vid coming soon!

Sorry for not updating soon :(
Only because of school hw and exams coming up already but I will be uploading my video on how to curl your hair no heat using socks.
Go check it out when it's uploaded on TheEbsyT channel.
Will post more stuff on here as much as I can and maybe going to do a giveaway!


Dying slowly...

The heat in Queensland is scorching! Good thing my hair had a leave-in conditioner in it otherwise my hair would have fried while I was playing sports! Give me requests on anything for a youtube!
I'll hopefully put up the youtube vid of how I curled my hair using socks sometime this week.. Hope all is well my lovely followers! xo - E


The Results of How To: Curl Hair Using Socks TheEbsyT Way!

I'm over the moon right now! After leaving these curls in for about 5 hours i get these gorgeous looking curls!
I will forever use this method on my hair to get healthier and longer hair :)
If you guys are interested in wanting to know how exactly I did my personalized method then comment down below and I'll make a tutorial for you guys :)

How To: Curl Hair Using Socks

Hello my lovelies!
I recently had a hair mask in my hair that i made myself which I call 'The Fruity Mask' which I ended up with great results! If you guys are interested in the hair mask just PM on youtube or comment on this post. I washed it out and I was thinking to myself why don't I curl my hair using socks. I have seen a lot of people on YouTube do tutorials for it but my method is a bit different. I will only make a video for you guys if you want to know how I did it.
At the moment this is what I look like:
Ain't I sexy?

Don't judge me.
I'm wearing my pj's now cause it's 7 in the morning and I got them from my nan.
I'm just gonna wait for another hour and then I will definetely post pics for you guys to see the results.
Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend, I know I am :)