
How To: Curl Hair Using Socks

Hello my lovelies!
I recently had a hair mask in my hair that i made myself which I call 'The Fruity Mask' which I ended up with great results! If you guys are interested in the hair mask just PM on youtube or comment on this post. I washed it out and I was thinking to myself why don't I curl my hair using socks. I have seen a lot of people on YouTube do tutorials for it but my method is a bit different. I will only make a video for you guys if you want to know how I did it.
At the moment this is what I look like:
Ain't I sexy?

Don't judge me.
I'm wearing my pj's now cause it's 7 in the morning and I got them from my nan.
I'm just gonna wait for another hour and then I will definetely post pics for you guys to see the results.
Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend, I know I am :)

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